
more syncronicity

As I blog in a last-ditch procrastination binge, having read The Guardian, the Onion, Londonist, DCist, LAist and Chicagoist (why?), memorized the yoga & footy schedules for the weekend, browsed Target.com, and Friendstered as much as I could stand, I now sit with my chocolate-smudged finger in the final-draft dyke (wha..?), and would like to note for the record that one year ago tomorrow was my official last day of work at downtown corporate pukedom, hopefully forever my official last day of work in corporate pukedom at any locale (though the free snacks were quite nice)

This year, the fifteenth of October is a Saturday. It's also the day my application is due (although I am mailing it tomorrow & it'll get there Monday the 17th, that specific date has been the alarm on my internal clock, tick tocking, for the past four weeks). I don't know if that stretches to a full circle, but I certainly do feel a bit more of a person, maybe even more of a person like ... myself, now than I did then. It's been a whirligig twelve months: the Flesh and Candour, Indecision 2004, aventuras en la costa oeste, the Southern Gentleman, nonprofit purgatory, saying goodbye to Granmama Em, the Cup to the Kop, 9 kids/3 acts/5 weeks, birthday panic attacks, asana sanity, learning cyrillic, cuppas & rollies on the seaside, purple mountains majesty, and now a strange calmness.

I don't know how long it will last and I don't know exactly how it came to be here, if next week I will feel a light's gone out and it's back to Blah Blah Freakout Chainsmoke Pessimist Land. I sincerely hope not, but I suppose there's only one way to find out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad yer back Mate!

October 20, 2005 at 2:17 PM  

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